"An Unbreakable Family" by/from Roberta Bombonato @nerdyketonian
A well written, well crafted, romantic action book.
Marvin and Carmen's marriage is fantastic. Giovanni, their son, is a lively boy who can hold his own against bullies. Akemi, their adopted daughter, is 18 and struggling to find herself. How can she move forward without knowing the whole truth. Uniting against domestic terrorists might be better than therapy for: AN UNBREAKABLE FAMILY
The plot of the book expands beautifully and meticulously throughout. The relationship between Marvin, Carmen and Akemi is intriguing, how an adopted child plays her role in a family.
The book beguiles the reader with it's combination of suspense and thrill. Involvement of all the characters and their dynamics makes the book powerful.
The limpid writing style makes the reader excited and it never loses the momentum. This book kept me awake all night, because of it's clever and compelling style.
This is book two in the Family Tree series, the cast of book one appears after ten years. Roberta superlatively connects both books and they are good standalones as well.
I would give this 5 stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 and highly recommend this book to enjoy a amalgam of suspense and thrill with domestic terrorists.
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