An Unconventional Family by Roberta Bombonata @nerdyketonian ...................... OMG! I love the realistic plot of this story. The title of book is index of story and its cover makes a lot of sense once you get into it. ...........................
It made me feel like I am a part of the story. The story is depiction of real families of our society . It made my heartache. It made me sad, suspicious, and happy. It is not only a story of love but also a story of realities and fates. It is continuous sequence of family actions. There is honesty in words. .................................. This different story stole my heart. The author's writing style is very simple and she explains difficult things in beautiful words. ................................
I can not wait for the new work from this writer. Go grab your copy enjoy the read and gift it to your friends. . I give this 5 stars
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