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BLACKBERRIES ARE RED WHEN GREEN by Keith Frohreich @keithfrohreich . A powerful literary piece of fiction that is hypnotic enough to make you believe that it is real. . . Plot: In 1960 two murders traumatize the sleepy village of Adams Creek in Northcentral Indiana. Over the three years leading up to the murders, young Kurt Baumannโ€™s world had been rocked by the loss of his dad, his best friend, and his precious dog, leading him to doubt the existence of God. A retired Pullman Porter, and a founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Dutch Clemons, moved into a small shack across the river from the small Baumann farm. Kurt now had a new friend, a father figure, and a self-educated historian, who disrupted and enlivened Kurtโ€™s segregated life with tales around the supper table, and while lolling the day away bass fishing down the riverbank. Sharing the farm with his mom and big brother, the family forged ahead on hard work, meager income, and the motherโ€™s faith. . The coming of age novel filled with history is a rich experience and a beautiful journey brewed by the author.

. The details, descriptions and writing style of Keith is outright strong and magnificent. With characters that are emotionally attachable and portrayal of main character's journey as it is coming of age novel, it grasps your heart slowly like a vail covers a wall . With Racism and other historical aspects the book is for MA. The author takes you back to 60s with pure perfection and engrossing details. . If I have to say one word for this book it would be "indelible" it will leave its mark on you. . I would give this book 5 stars ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ and recommend it to readers that want to read an important powerful coming of age story. .

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