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every grain of sand

"every grain of sand" by/from David P. Wichman @davidpwichman This memoir struck the cords of my heart. The memoir addresses the subject of self healing and hope during dark times of life, which would appeal to many people. David fought the dark and faced the harsh attitude of his life, he was not hopeless. He fought with poverty, racism, amusement and drug addiction. It is journey of hope and determination. It is an impressive piece of writing which expresses how the author renewed his life. It was quick read, dark atmosphere with silver lining. It will change the way you see pain in life. . I got the chills so many times towards the end of this book. This is not only physical but also a spiritual revival. I give this 5 stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 and highly recommend this book. It is a great aspiration for those who ever faced the crunch.

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