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No Fences in Alaska

No Fences in Alaska by Glen Sobey @glensobeyauthor

“No fences in Alaska, sweetheart. Never let them build one around you.” —Cooper Lyons This is a book on the issues of teenagers. This book depicts the real Scenery and people's behavior of Alaska. . .

Plot Their worlds are about to come crashing down... At sixteen years old, Harper Lyon's life is spinning out of control. She threatens her parents with suicide unless she can meet her drug-dealing boyfriend, a college student who doesn't know she's pregnant. Cooper Lyons, her estranged grandfather, lives in rural Alaska with only his dog and cat for company. He has just been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's, and he doesn't plan on letting the disease run its course. Harper needs to escape her parents and decide what to do about the baby. She and her grandpa are worlds apart, but they may be exactly what the other needs. When Harper calls her grandfather, he welcomes the opportunity to help her and redeem his previous failure with his daughter Heather, who died from a drug overdose years ago. . The plot development drags you in. It is complex and in detail which makes it attractive. It is fast paced and easy to interlink. It is full of real life vibes. Sobey skillfully interlinks the present with past. The writing style is easy and soft. Author explain s harsh issues. I can imagine the whole story in front of my eyes. . Sobey characterization is very strong every character is perfect in itself. Story of character is emotional and interesting. This book deals with the issues of loneliness, suicide, drug addiction and teen age problems. It is a true portrayal of a teenager's life and their problems. I experienced a long journey in a blink.I enjoyed an emotional read. Every teenager should read it to know the struggle of protagonist against teenage problems. . I would give it 5 stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 because Sobey wrote a great book for the teenagers. Highly recommended to the school going youngs. . .

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