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The Baptist

The Baptist by Ryan David Gerard @rdg_renegadescreative will drag you in and make you want book 2 (because of the attachment with characters and questions) as soon as you hit that last page. . The dystopian novel has deeper sense to it. The author makes you fall for the main character with the very intro. The book is a crown embedded with all the gems including deep plot, strong characters, catchy pacing and language etc . Plot In the year 2041, the world has become a worse place than we could imagine. On the brink of war, the world is on the verge of actually seeing time travel achieved in order to fix all the mistakes we've made. But, Baltimore cop, John Revele is lost inside the human condition. His passion for retribution of the innocent drives him to madness as he realizes there is not much he can do within the law. Outside of it is a different story all together. He rises up to battle evil on the streets in a vigilante blitz, but he learns that more is going on in the spectrum of good and evil then he realized. Supernatural forces are at play and God and the devil have made an arrangement for the souls of humanity. In the face of evil--true evil--he will have to defeat his greatest nemesis--himself--in order to truly be ready for the next stage of the fight . You are up for a treat if you love intense action scenes and all the tension in the air. The clutchy writing style makes the story line more intriguing. . Provocative throughout, this book 1 in a trilogy hooks the reader and make you feel your presence in the dystopian world created by the strong imagination of the writer that presents a truth (a bitter one but truth). . I would recommend this book to you if you are into Sci-Fi/dystopian with time travel in it. I would give it without second thoughts 5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. The main reason for 5 stars is unique plot and time travel that doesn't suck like most of the times. . Good news the book 2 is already out and I am gonna grab my copy as soon as I upload this review for you guys. .

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